How To Find The Right Auto Repair Shop For You

How To Find The Right Auto Repair Shop For You

Choosing the right auto repair shop can seem like a daunting task. Maybe you’ve just been in a car accident or you’re unsure if your vehicle is safe to drive in its current condition and your insurance provider has given you a list of Direct Repair Providers to choose...
5 Reasons Why Auto Inspections Matter

5 Reasons Why Auto Inspections Matter

Think about the amount of trust you place in your vehicle each and every day. When you put the key in the ignition, you expect the car to start. When you’re driving 70 miles an hour down the highway, you expect your car to not fly off the side of the road. Not only...
Auto Collision Nightmares

Auto Collision Nightmares

One of the scariest things that can happen to a person is to be in a motor vehicle accident. Whether it was a small bump up or a massive head-on collision, these types of accidents can have a lingering effect on a person.  The next time you get behind the wheel of a...
Rental Cars and Auto Collisions

Rental Cars and Auto Collisions

According to Enterprise, more than one-third of U.S. drivers say they drive an average of 3-4 places per day, but what happens when you get in an accident and your car is in the shop?  Motor vehicle accidents happen every day and this leaves thousands without...
Comprehending Comprehensive Coverage

Comprehending Comprehensive Coverage

As a vehicle owner, you know the value of your car and its importance in your day-to-day life. That’s why when an accident happens, you want to know an auto collision repair shop that can get you back on the road faster.  Absolute Collision is a Direct Repair Provider...